
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Carnaval de Nice

I spent last weekend traveling all over!

Sunday was a highlight when I went to Nice to see Carnaval.  It was a beautiful day with lots of sun and lots of people.  I heard people speaking languages from all over, but we were all in Nice to see the parade that day.  It was a lot of fun to see everyone getting into the spirit of the day... kids were chucking confetti at each other and spraying down the parade floats with silly string.  People were wearing strange costumes, without really following any one theme.  I saw everything to some really busty cross-dressers to little kids dressed up as Snow White and Spiderman.  It felt different than a parade in the U.S., but everyone was definitely having fun.

Beach time!

Enjoying my Ferrerro Rocher gelato

Cute kids spraying each other with silly string

Le Roi du Carnaval (Carnaval King)

Friday, February 17, 2012

17 fevrier: Update


It feels like it's been a while since I've written anything, so here's to letting you know that I'm still alive!

To catch you up on my life... I took last weekend easy after Nice/ Monaco/ Monte Carlo the weekend before.  I (along with basically every other person in my school) got sick, so not as much was accomplished that week.  I'm feeling much better now!

I just finished my third week of classes and I'm enjoying them quite a lot.  All of my professors are unique and interesting and I expect I'll be learning a lot;

I am loving my art class... it makes me feel artsy.  We just began using paints yesterday.  It's such a challenge to mix the right colors and get the right proportions for the pictures.  We are starting off our painting with copy work... I chose a painting by Degas with ballerinas to work on.  Until then, we'd been working exclusively on drawing.  Day 1 we started with a nude model... might as well do it right the first time!

Tomorrow, I go on my first excursion with my class L'histoire de Provence (History of Provence) to Arles and Glanum.  Not quite sure what we will all see there yet... but I believe it will be looking at Roman ruins and the such.

Sunday, I will be returning to Nice with some friends where we are going to see and experience Carnivale.

As excited as I am for this weekend, I am even more excited for a week from now when my winter break begins.  After I received one last scholarship (yep that's right!), I decided to spring for a Eurail pass!  The plan is to Eurotrip it with four other friends to Normandy (in northwestern France to see Omaha Beach and the landings), then to Brussels, then to Amsterdam, and finally Munich, before returning to Aix.  All this will be happening over 10 days.  I am so incredibly excited... I have a good group of people that I'm going with and I know we will make it an experience to remember.

Of course, it is the time of year to start the next round of financial aid applications, so that's looming over my head a bit.  Deadlines are coming up March 1st so I need to take care of things before I leave for break.  Always more to do!  One day I won't have to worry about FAFSA and scholarship apps...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Nice, Monte Carlo, & Monaco

Last weekend, I received the opportunity to go on a fabulous trip to Nice, Monte Carlo & Monaco with my classmates from the Institute for American Universities.

And the story begins...

We left Aix early Saturday morning... after waiting for the buses in the cold.  It's been so cold here that the main fountain is covered in ice even with the continual water being pushed through the pipes.

We arrived in Nice about 2ish hours later, where we were welcomed by the sun (still cold though).  After a short walking tour of the city to get acquainted with where we could go, two friends and I climbed the stairs to the view the city from above.  It was absolutely beautiful with the blues of the water.  In the background we even saw the snowy Alps.

We kept exploring for a while, discovering more views and a beautiful waterfall.  Eventually we had to come down though... lunch time!  But first we stopped by the beach.  Rather than sand, the beach is covered in smooth stones, but no one was out swimming... well except for one person that we saw from the overhead view... and a kid in our program who was doing a handstand and fell into the water.  Oops! Haha! 
Next, it was time for lunch so we found a cute cafe next to their open air market.  I had salmon ravioli (yum yum!) and a glass of wine... ahem, I mean grape juice?

Well eventually we had to leave Nice, but it was only the first stop for the day.  Next we arrived at Fragonard Perfume Factory where we received a tour and instructions on how perfume is made.  Did you know that the people who determine the scents are called "noses" and they have to know thousands of scents by memory to pass their tests?  Anyways, it smelled like heaven.

Next, we travelled to our hostel that was right by Monaco where we would be staying for the night.  We had aperitifs and dinner before getting ready for our big night out to the casino at Monte Carlo. It was an absolutely beautiful place (obviously very rich).  I didn't gamble, but I'm glad I went just for the experience.  There was one high roller with a private table who every once in a while would yell "oui!" and then one time got mad and kicked the table!  I guess I could be mad if I lost thousands of dollars too though!

We only had a short time at the casino before hopping back on our bus to get back to the hostel for our disco party.  Yeah I said it.  Disco party!  That's what they call the dancing/ music parties here.  It was a lot of fun; Let's just say I didn't get much sleep that night...

The next morning came early, and before I knew it we were in Monaco again (Monte Carlo is a neighborhood of Monaco).  This time we went to where the palace is situated.  Still a very beautiful place.  I didn't see a single piece of trash on the ground.  We stayed at the palace to see the changing of the guards.  Can you see which one is trying to stop from laughing?

From Monaco, we travelled to a villages in the hills.  I don't remember the name of the village, but it felt like a perfect home away from home.  There were winding narrow streets and art everywhere.  I stopped in at a gallery where I saw an original of the "Afghan Girl," a famous photo featured on the cover of National Geographic.  Yet, magazines and pictures on the internet can never give it justice.  I've never seen such incredible and beautiful detail in a photo quite like this.  The shopkeeper was so excited to talk about it with me too (and I pretty much understood everything in his fast French yay!).

Needless to say, everyone was pretty tired by the time we got back to Aix.  We parted ways pretty quick, but it sure was a great way to get to know a lot of people on the first weekend.  But now everyone (including me) has been sick this week.  I guess the stress about moving to a new country and testing the boundaries of our immune systems on a jam-packed, super-fun weekend caught up with us.  Oh well, I promise I'll be better soon!

A bientot!

Friday, February 3, 2012

À Table

2 days = 7.5 crepes

Hier (yesterday), it was the holiday called Le Chandeleur, which is a holiday to eat crepes!  So, naturally my host mom made crepes for dinner.   We had crepes with ham and cheese and just cheese for dinner.  Then we had incredible crepes for dessert with nutella or chestnut butter, ice cream, and a touch of whip cream.  So delicious!!

I must say that I eat sooo much here.  If I don't take a full second helping at dinner, my host my says, "Oh tu suis un regime?!" which basically means, "What, you're on a diet?!"  Well no... but that's a lot of food!  Oh la la.

Some of the other dinners I've been enjoying here are:
-le poulet et les frites (chicken and fries)
-le pizza
-la soupe (of the mystery vegetable variety)
-a French dish with ham wrapped around some kind of vegetable (can't remember what it was called though)
-And then Sunday night, the host family had guests come over and we had the full-out 5-course meal.  Seriously, how much can a person eat?  We started with aperitifs (drinks) and hors-d'oevres, then had le pate avec des boules et des saucisses (pasta with meatballs and sausage).  Now keep in mind... I was full after my host mom made sure I had a second helping of pasta.  So then we had our salad course, and then le fromage avec du pain (cheese and bread).  My host mom makes all of the bread herself.  So full.  And then out comes the special cake... it was kind of like a tiramisu.  My housemate Cate and I had watched her make it the night before.  She had showed us how to make the mousse au chocolat and given us recipes the night before.  Well I have to say that it was an absolutely delicious dinner, but it was definitely a lot lot of food.

So, if anyone was remotely worried about me being hungry, this is to assure you that I am not.  I am eating wonderful French etc cuisine... and lots of it.  Santé!

Up Next:  Nice and Monaco
This weekend I am visiting Nice and Monaco on an overnight trip with my school.  We get to tour the cities, check out a perfume factory, go to Monte Carlo (but I can't get into the fancy casino area cuz there's a 21 age limit), and get to know the people in the group.